Safeguarding Trust
The parish are very grateful to Olive Good, the Diocesan Regulator for SGT, for providing training to volunteers and Parish panel members on a very regular basis. Currently this training is conducted via Zoom. If you would like to volunteer to help with children or vulnerable adults in the parish (and are over 16 yrs) here are the steps you need to take:

1 Contact the main leader for that group and discuss your availability with them.
2 The leader will ask one of the Parish Panel members to contact you.
3 A Parish panel member will give you a paper form (NVB1) and information about the 100 point id. proof needed.
4 You complete the form and provide proofs (up to 100 points) and return the paper form (not scanned or photocopied)
to the Parish panel member.
5 S/he will forward this form to the Church of Ireland Board of Education Vetting Liaison person who will forward it to
An Garda Síochána e-vetting bureau.
6 You will receive an email from An Garda Síochána e-vetting bureau inviting you to fill in an online vetting form.
The invitation expires after a week so please check spam emails in case it ends up there!
7 An Garda Síochána send the disclosure to the Church of Ireland Board of Education Vetting Liaison person, who sends a
copy to the Parish panel.
8 You can request a copy of your disclosure from the Parish panel.
The new website is a marvellous resource for all information on this essential aspect of ministry and compliance.