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The Organ


On Saturday 13th June 1885, this notice appeared in the Irish Ecclesiastical Gazette:

The new organ (the munificent gift of JD Tottenham Esq) for Rathfarnham Parish Church was opened on Sunday last. An elaborate musical service for the occasion was prepared by Mr Collison Mus. Bac, whose able services as organist of the church, the Vestry have been fortunate to secure. A large congregation was present both morning and evening. The great feature, however, of the restored church is the new organ, built by the eminent firm of Forster & Andrews of Hull at a cost of £425.

In 2021, the Rathfarnham Parish Organ Refurbishment Committee began an ambitious 3-year plan to renovate the organ.

The aim is to refurbish this valuable instrument to maintain the rich tradition of music in worship. In doing so, we also hope to introduce the renewed organ to the wider community through recitals and concerts so that everyone - from schoolchildren to organ scholars, young and old, will have the opportunity to hear this beautiful instrument’s wonderful voice.

Our intention is to have completed the restoration within a three-year time period. We will be engaging a well-known Irish organ-building company, generating employment within our local economy.


We will be running various fundraising events over the life of the project and will keep you up to date with progress and developments, both here on the website and in our monthly parish newsletter, News For You.


We would love to have your support in this worthwhile endeavour.


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for organ specification

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The Choir


Rathfarnham choristers are a friendly bunch, who enjoy singing together for the camaraderie and positivity it brings, as well as for the music itself.

We have a four part choir: Soprano, Alto, Tenor, and Bass. The choir leads worship each Sunday at the 10.30am service and on other special occasions, such as the much-loved annual Christmas Carol Service. The choir enjoys an extensive repertoire, from all eras of church music.

Usually, rehearsals are held every Wednesday evening from September to May, but since March 2020, rehearsals have been held online, with material being recorded individually by choir members. Many anthems have been prepared in this way, adding to the online worship of the parish. The choir have continued to learn new repertoire that will, in due course, find its way into in-person worship.

We can’t stress enough that new members are always welcome! If you enjoy singing and the opportunity to share friendship and fun, then the choir is for you and we would love you to join us. Should you wish to come to a rehearsal as an observer first, you are assured of a warm reception. Please contact Jacqueline at for further details.

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